
How to say Hello in Bulgarian

By Michel

Sep 10

How to say hello in Bulgarian? It’s not always done with a simple word. But you can learn here within 2 minutes how to greet in Bulgarian.

If you talk to a single person, whom you know very well, you say “zdrasti” or “zdravey” and if you talk to a group of friends you say just “zdraveyte”.

There is a difference if you say hello to someone, whom you don’t really know yet. Then you greet according to the daytime. In the morning you would say “dobro utro”, during the day “dobar den” and at evening you greet this person with “dobar vecher”.

Watch the following video, which will show you how to pronounce the words correctly.

Hello in Bulgarian:

If you want to go further into this topic: Check how to introduce yourself in Bulgarian.

If you have any questions or remarks, don’t hesitate and write a comment right below this post.

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